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  5. Timesheet Entry: Setting up How your Timesheets Look and Work
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  4. Timesheet Entry: Setting up How your Timesheets Look and Work

Timesheet Entry: Setting up How your Timesheets Look and Work

There are two main timesheet layouts

In both timesheet layouts you have the choice of entering time through either the form view or grid view. With all views, you can show, hide and change how you see the columns, in the user control settings pages.

How to switch your timesheet layout

At the top of your timesheet screen, you can choose between the different views by clicking the ‘View’ button.

2017_Timesheet Views

Each Abtrac user can choose how their timesheet looks like.

Choose Linear Timesheets if

You prefer timesheets that are line by line, with dates on the left.

Choose Cross Tab Timesheets if:

You like to have dates in a table on the right, and group entries for jobs row by row.

Linear Timesheets

Choose linear view if you use the start/stop timer function, or if you work on a number of small tasks throughout the day that requires detailed comments.

Linear Form

Linear Grid

Linear Grid – click to enlarge


Tabular Timesheet (Cross Tab)

Tabular timesheets are useful for entering blocks of time against a small number of projects. Tabular timesheets can only show a maximum of 7 days. (The comment detail is hidden but will display if you click in the units field.)

Cross Tab Form

Cross Tab Form – click to enlarge

Cross Tab Grid

Cross Tab Grid – click to enlarge

How to show or hide the columns available in timesheets

You can control the column widths and fields available in the timesheet screens from Administration >> Settings >> User Control Settings. This option is only available to administrative users, and the changes made will determine the layout of pages for all users.

You can edit the position and width of all the available fields. The maximum width available for each page is displayed next to your selection.

If your company doesn’t use one of the optional fields available for timesheets in cross tab or linear view, then you can simply set the width to equal zero to hide it.

Click this link for more information on User Control Settings and grid layout.

User Control Settings >> Timesheets – Linear
User Control Settings >> Timesheets – Crosstab

In the below example, the ‘Client’ field width is set to zero after clicking on the edit button.

User Control Settings >> Timesheets – Linear

Click save once you’ve edited the width.

You can also edit the Task Group, Task, Work Item, Charge, and Activity fields one by one in a similar manner to get the desired look for the timesheet – linear screen.

Also see article on How to Limit Employee Views to Only the Jobs they are Assigned to for ensuring that employees do not view and track time against jobs that are restricted to them.

Setting Required Fields for Timesheets

Compulsory options for timesheets

You can make fields compulsory to be completed by employees in timesheets.

Date and Job/ Job Details (includes Client Abbreviation and Job description) and Units are a system requirement.

Task, Activity, Work Item and Comment, can all be set as required in Abtrac.

Timesheet page

You can also determine your company end of timesheet period day, sorting on the Job Details drop down box, auto fill features, rounding rules, preventing incorrect timesheet dates etc.


How to set compulsory fields

An administrator can set Job related requirements (Task, Activity, Work Item and Comment) as compulsory on timesheets from Administration >> Settings >> System Settings >> Clients and Jobs.

Read more on System Settings: Clients and Jobs

Defaults When Creating a New Job

An administrator can also determine business requirements (units, sorting, commit options) from Administration >> Settings >> System Settings >> Timesheets.

Read more on System Settings: Timesheets

System Settings >>Timesheets

Required timesheet units (hours) are set from the Employee details section.

Employee Details

Pop up warnings when time entered exceeds a budget

Job Managers and System Admins in Abtrac can also set pop up warnings for staff in timesheets when time entered on a project exceeds the budget amount, or on reaching a chosen value (threshold).

Admins can also choose to receive an email alert letting them know when the threshold is exceeded.

Timesheet job and task threshold warning popup

See Threshold Warnings knowledgebase article for more on this.

Video: How to Enter Time in Abtrac

Abtrac Quick Tutorial:- Timesheet views Example and Entry

Abtrac KB# 2017

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