Data grid screen customisation

It’s worth spending time to tailor your screen layouts in Abtrac specifically for your staff and jobs

There are 3 areas for customisation on your data grid screens in Abtrac.

User Control Settings: Any changes here are office-wide. Change column widths, column order, and column visibility.

Grid Layouts: Each user can make specific changes to adjust the widths and column order they can see.

Grid Height: Specific heights users can set to best match their screen or device.

User Control Settings

From Administration >> Settings >> User Control Settings you can control the column widths and fields in many of the common data entry screens. This option is only available to administrative users, and the changes made will determine the layout of pages for all users.

You can view all the options for User Control Settings from this article

You can edit the position and width of all the available fields in the example below for Timesheets – Linear.

If your company doesn’t use a particular field, then simply set the width to equal zero to hide it. In the below example, the ‘Client’ field width is set to zero after clicking on the edit button.

Click save and then edit the Task Group, Task, Work Item and Activity fields one by one in a similar manner to get the desired look for the timesheet – linear screen.

You can review the changes you’ve made by going to the relevant page in Abtrac.



Taking some time to optimize the screen layouts for your requirements will save you time later on when entering your everyday data.

Grid Layout

The grid layout setting allows users to save their preferred column widths and column order for specific pages and for a specific user.

This setting also remembers your current sorting and filtering so every time you go back to that page, it will look the same. To activate this feature, simply click the ‘Apply’ button for the ‘Grid Layout’ above the grid you want to save.

To restore the grid to its original state click the ‘Reset’ button.

The Grid Layout option is available on many pages in Abtrac. This image shows it on the Search Screen.

Grid Height

The grid preferred height can be set for each user. Once set, this will effect all data grids.

On the home page, click on the profile symbol >> click on the ‘Edit My Settings’ option, then set the grid depth to your preferred height.

Abtrac KB# 2100

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