From Administration > Settings > Email Settings you can configure default or template emails for sending invoices, invoice reminders and job documents (including proposal documents).
Each email template can have preset subject line and email message text, including placeholders for linking specific Abtrac client and job information.
It’s a good idea to vary your template text from time to time, to avoid your mail being filed as junk.
A word on email deliverability
Like many application providers we work with a third party to provide you the best in email deliverability. Abtrac emails are back by the experience of the team at Twillo SEND GRID, you can learn more about SendGrid here.
Add an email template
Email templates are accessible from Administration > Settings > Email Settings.
Choose your email type from the drop down and choose the “+” add button to create one or more templates as per the instructions below.
Default templates can be chosen for each email type: Invoices, Invoice Reminders, Account Rendered (Statements) and Job Documents (Proposals).
Each template requires :
Email Setting Name
This must be a unique name for all templates and unique for all email types.
Subject Line
The subject line is also a required field. Subject lines are limited to 255 characters. We recommend you also include your company name in the subject line.
You can include placeholder text in the email subject for linking specific Abtrac client and job information, click the drop down arrow to select subject line placeholder options.
See all the placeholder options and descriptions in the footer of this article
Email Body Text (Email message)
The email body text has a character limit of 500 for template emails.
If you are editing and sending a single email via the Send Email screen this character limit is extended to 5000 characters.
The email body text can be customised extensively, you can:
- insert placeholders for linking specific Abtrac client and job information
- add hyperlinks
- format text styling
- include tables and images
How to insert data from your client and job information in an email
Placeholders are links, where content from Abtrac displays when you send the email. Placeholders must have square brackets around them, for example [JOB DESCRIPTION].
Click on the Placeholder option pictured to open the placeholder options menu. To insert content double click on an option.
Placeholder content options are inserted into the template wherever your cursor is.
A full list of placeholder options for all email types is included later in this article.
Tips for email message content
Keep your email message plain text
Although Abtrac includes a range of customisation options for emails, in the world of email deliverability less is definitely best.
We recommend you keep your email message as plain text – you might notice most invoices you receive from accounting software follows the same rule.
Read more on our recommendations for email deliverability here.
Logos are usually a no go
Lately images are the preferred method for email hackers who maliciously use images for hiding tracking codes.
For this reason the default settings for most client email applications is to block or hide embedded images in emails. Certain client email applications will also resize your embedded images.
From Gmail to Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird to Windows Mail, there are more than 30 different email clients. Each of these clients displays emails differently. For instance, an email that looks perfectly fine on Gmail may not resolve properly on Microsoft Outlook and vice versa. To add to this the complexity, more than 50% of people read emails through mobile devices.
We recommend avoiding adding logos to your email templates for all these reasons.
You can instead style your email signature using fonts and colours to match your branding.
Don’t copy content from Word, Outlook or Mail
If you are copying your standard email signature into the Abtrac email templates you should paste it in as plain text, paste via notepad to remove any application or text formatting.
You can then restyle using the options from within the Email Design editor.
Create your Email Text using Fullscreen mode
The Add or Edit Email Content screen starts as a pop-up. Choose Fullscreen mode for easier editing of your email text.
Use Design mode for creating email text
There are three windows for editing email content.
Add your email text in Design view. You can edit the underlying code if required using HTML view, and see how it looks using Preview.
Invoice template emails
To add an template email for sending invoice reminders go to Administration > Settings > Email Settings.
Select “Invoice” as the Email type.
Below Email type click the “+” button to Add an email setting.
Enter the information required for your invoice template email – a name, a subject, and then create your email message (follow the recommendations from the tips above)
Click Update to save.
Placeholder options for invoice and invoice reminder templates
Placeholder Name | Description |
Amount Incl Tax | The total invoice amount inclusive of any sales tax |
Bill Recipient FirstName | The invoice recipient first name (Invoice Management > Invoice Details) |
Bill Recipient | The full name of the invoice recipient (Invoice Management > Invoice Details) |
Client Name | The Client Name in Abtrac |
Due Date | The invoice due date |
Invoice # | The number of the invoice (or credit note) |
Invoice Month | The month included in the invoice date |
Job Code | The project or job code associated with an invoice |
Job Description | The description used for your project from the job details screen |
Job Owner | This is Job Owner 1, the assigned project owner |
Name on Invoice | The Name the invoice is addressed to, from the Abtrac invoice details page |
Purchase Order | The purchase order number assigned to the project |
Stripe Additional Text/Terms | Alternate text for Stripe payment requests |
Stripe Payment Link | Link for online credit card payments on your invoice emails (direct to pay page) |
Stripe Payment Text | Text for Stripe payment requests |
Stripe View and Pay Link | Link for online credit card payments on your invoice emails (allows clients to view an online invoice copy first) |
Setting a default invoice email template
Templates for emailing invoices are linked to your invoice setting configurations. You can have unique template for each invoice office setting in Abtrac.
To set your default invoice template choices go to Administration > Settings > Invoice and Other Office Settings. In the Invoice Settings section > scroll down to Email Settings
Invoice Reminder template emails
Creating invoice reminder template emails follow the same process detailed for invoice emails above. The placeholder options are the same for both email types.
Invoice reminders in Abtrac are included as an add-on feature.
Go to Administration > Settings > Email Settings. Select “Invoice Reminder” as the Email type.
Below Email type click the “+” button to Add an email setting.
Enter the information required for your invoice reminder template email – a name, a subject, and then create your email message (follow the recommendations from the tips above)
Click Update to save.
How to send invoice reminders
Invoice Reminders in Abtrac are sent on a case by case basis, not automatically.
You can review and send invoice reminders for outstanding accounts from Debtor Management > Debtor Control > Invoice Reminders
Learn how to send invoice reminders here
Account Rendered (Statements) template emails
Creating account rendered template emails follow the same process detailed for invoice and invoice reminder emails above.
Account Rendered reports (Sending Statements) in Abtrac are included as an add-on feature.
Go to Administration > Settings > Email Settings. Select “Account Rendered” as the Email type.
Below Email type click the “+” button to Add an email setting.
Enter the information required for your account rendered template email – a name, a subject, and then create your email message (follow the recommendations from the tips above)
Click Update to save.
Placeholder options for account rendered templates
Placeholder Name | Description |
Bill Recipient | The full name of the client default invoice recipient (Clients > Invoice Defaults) |
Client Name | The Client Name in Abtrac |
How to send statements (How to send accounts rendered)
Statements (Accounts Rendered) in Abtrac are sent on a case by case basis, not automatically.
You can review and send accounts rendered for outstanding accounts from Debtor Management > Debtor Reports by choosing the Account Rendered option.
Learn how to send accounts rendered/Abtrac statements here
Document templates emails (Proposals)
To add an template email for sending project documents, fee estimates and proposals go to Administration > Settings > Email Settings.
Select “Document Template” as the Email type.
Below Email type click the “+” button to Add an email setting.
Enter the information required for your invoice template email – a name, a subject, and then create your email message (follow the recommendations from the tips above)
Click Update to save.
Placeholder options for job document templates
Placeholder Name | Description |
Job Code | The project or job code |
Proposal Number | The proposal number from the job details screen |
Job Description | The description used for your project, also from the job details screen |
Job Owner1 | This is Job Owner 1, the assigned project owner |
Job Owner1 First Name | The given name for the employee assigned as the job owner |
Job Owner1 Last Name | The last name for the employee assigned as the job owner |
Job Owner1 Alias | The xxx for the employee assigned as the job owner |
Job Owner1 Role Name | The role description for the employee assigned as the Job Owner, e.g. Lead Architect, Senior Planner, etc |
Job Owner1 Email | The email address for the employee assigned as the job owner |
Job Owner1 Mobile | The mobile number for the employee assigned as the job owner |
Job Owner1 Phone | The phone number for the employee assigned as the job owner |
Job Fee | The total fee amount as shown in the Job Billing Details in Abtrac |
Client Name | The Client Name in Abtrac |
Client Code | The Client Code in Abtrac |
Client Main Contact First Name | From Abtrac Clients > People a contact can be selected as a “Main Contact” This is the first name for the person assigned as the main client contact. |
Client Main Contact Second Name | The last name for the person assigned as the main client contact |
Client Main Contact Title | The title of address for the person assigned as the main client contact. e.g Mr, Miss, Dr etc. |
Client Main Contact Phone | The phone number for the person assigned as the main client contact |
Client Main Contact Mobile | The mobile number for the person assigned as the main client contact |
Client Main Contact Role | The role description for the person assigned as the main client contact. e.g. Finance Administrator, Project Manager, Lead Architect etc |
Client Main Contact Comment | Any comments associated with the person assigned as the main client contact |
Client Main Contact | The email address for the person assigned as the main client contact. |
How to select job document email templates
Project documents, fee estimates and proposals are all sent from within the Projects Menu.
In Abtrac you can have multiple job documents and a variety of email templates to send with them.
Choose the Projects > Print option and then select a standard or job specific template document.
From the Email Job Template screen > Email Settings allows you to select which email template to send with your job document.
Timesheet reminder emails
To add an template email for sending timesheet reminders go to Administration > Settings > Email Settings.
Select “Timesheet Reminder” as the Email type.
Below Email type click the “+” button to Add an email setting.
Enter the information required for your invoice template email – a name, a subject, and then create your email message (follow the recommendations from the tips above)
Click Update to save.
Placeholder options for timesheet reminders
There are currently no placeholder options for timesheet reminder emails.
How to send timesheet reminders
You can enable timesheet reminders for all employees from Administration >> Settings >> System Settings >> Employees.
This sets a default for all employees to receive timesheet reminder emails after the number of days you specify. This setting can be manually turned on/off for individual employees under Administration >> Employees >> Employee Details.
Learn how to send timesheet reminders here
Abtrac KB # 1005