The Fee contribution in Abtrac is the recovered value of each timesheet entry, based on a pro-rata of everyone’s time compared to the invoiced line amount.
It is also called Invoice Fee Contribution, WIP Value Fee Contribution, and Earnings.
Fee Contribution Calculation
From Administration >> Settings >> System Settings >> Invoices you can choose which method to use to calculate Fee Contribution.
- fee contribution for each invoice line amount, or
- fee contribution for the total invoice amount

The calculation for the fee contribution (invoice line) is:
(Total Invoice Line amount ÷ Total Assigned Fees to the Invoice Line )
× Total Value of Assigned Time Line (or Cost)
The calculation for the fee contribution (whole invoice) is:
(Total Invoice amount ÷ Total Fees Assigned to the Invoice)
× Total Value of Assigned Time Line (or Cost)
Fee Contribution Details
The Fee Contribution breakdown is best analysed from the Assigned Time and Disbursements screen and the attached report.
From Invoice Report options > choose Assigned Time and Disbursements to see fee contribution values for each invoice line.

The invoice fee contribution is shown line by line.

The calculation is based on the timesheet line; and either the invoice line amount to which is is assigned, or the total invoice amount – depending on your calculation choice in system settings.
You can check the invoice line amount from Invoice Details > viewing Invoice Line Details,
In the example below the invoice line of $1,500.00 has assigned fees of $1,296.00

Viewing Assigned Fees and Contributions to an invoice line
You can also check the invoice line amount from Invoice Report options > Assigned Time and Disbursements > by choosing Print Preview to view a pdf report of Assigned time and Billed Amounts:

Fee Contribution Calculation Example
An example for the timesheet line below shows how the fee contribution is calculated when the Fee Contribution calculation option is by invoice line.
Contribution Option

Fee Contribution for Timesheet Line

Relevant information for the calculation includes:
- Total Value of Assigned Time (Extension) = 180.00
- Total Assigned Fees to the Invoice Line = 1,296.00
- Total Invoice Line amount = 1,500.00

Fee contribution:
(1,500 ÷ 1,296) × 180 = 208.33
Reports that include earnings (fee contribution)
Chart Showing Earning per Month by Charge Type
Assigned Time and Disbursements Report
Abtrac KB # 2011