Timesheet Summary Totals

In Abtrac timesheets a summary of time recorded is shown at the bottom of the timesheet, with percentages and units based on several quotients.

Time spent is reported on total units, chargeable (billable) time, non-chargeable time, productivity, productivity at work, and productivity on standard hours (required units).

Understanding the totals on your timesheet

Total Timesheet Units

Displays the total timesheet units entered for the timesheet period. Typically in Abtrac one unit is equal to one hour, but you can set any unit definition from Administration >> Settings >> System Settings >> Timesheets

How to set timesheet units

Non-Chargeable Timesheet Units

Displays the total timesheet units entered for the timesheet period – for non-billable (non-chargeable) projects only.

These are typically in-house administration projects, or ‘projects’ such as annual leave etc.

Understanding non-current vs non-billable jobs

Proposals Timesheet Units

Displays the total timesheet units entered for the timesheet period – for proposal projects only. In Abtrac a proposal project is a current, non-billable job with a proposal number.

Read more about proposal jobs

Chargeable Timesheet Units

Displays the total timesheet units entered for the timesheet period – for billable (chargeable) projects only. Typically the majority of most employees time will be recorded as chargeable work.

Productivity Timesheet Percentage

The Productivity percentage shows the total chargeable units divided by the total units entered for the timesheet period.

Productivity = Total Chargeable Units ÷ Total Timesheet Units

Productivity ‘At Work’ Timesheet Percentage

The Productivity At Work percentage shows the total chargeable units divided by the total At Work units entered for the timesheet period.

Productivity ‘At Work’ = Total Chargeable Units ÷ Total At Work Units

What is ‘At Work’ vs ‘Not At Work’?

Every project in Abtrac has a tick saying “At Work” meaning when people entering time for that project they are ‘at work’ and engaged in a task.

This At Work option is checked by default when a new project is created, regardless of whether it is billable, non-billable, or a proposal.

Some projects aren’t At Work projects at all but people still put their time to them.

These might be the jobs used to track annual leave, public holidays, or professional development.

You can choose to mark these jobs as Not At Work in Abtrac from the Job details screen

Read more about At Work and productive time here

Productivity on Standard Hours Percentage

The Productivity on Standard Hours shows the total chargeable units divided by the required timesheet units for the employee. It is used to measure productivity balanced against any overtime hours worked.

How to set standard timesheet hours (required units)

Productivity Std Hours = Chargeable Units ÷ Total Required Units

Selected Day/Date Timesheet totals

For most of the metrics above two numbers are shown.

The first number in bold shows the timesheet totals for the entire timesheet period.

The second number in [square brackets] shows the total for the selected day only. The latest day available will show by default, or select any day (within for that timesheet period) from the Day: drop down box.

Productivity At Work, and Productivity on Standard Hours are only available for an entire timesheet period, not daily summaries are given for these two metrics.

Timesheet Productivity Calculation example

In the example above the employee is supposed to work 40 hours in a standard week but they have worked a total of 42 hours.

22 of these hours were chargeable, 2 hours were admin/meetings, 2 hours were spent on proposals, and 16 hours were taken as leave.

With this mix of ‘real work’ and other time logged, we have various ways of expressing their productivity.

Productivity – example

Productivity = Total Chargeable Units ÷ Total Timesheet Units

Total hours worked were 42 and Chargeable Hours were 22,

Productivity is: 42 ÷ 22 = 52.38%

Productivity =

Total Chargeable Units ÷ Total Timesheet Units

22 hours ÷ 42 hours = 52.38%

Productivity ‘At Work’ – example

Productivity ‘At Work’ = Total Chargeable Units ÷ Total At Work Units

The total hours worked were 42, but as in the image above 16 of these hours are assigned to a ‘Not At Work’ projects. The Hours ‘At Work’ for the week are actually 42 – 16 = 26 hours.

‘At Work’ Units =

42 – 16 = 26 units

Productivity ‘At Work’ =

22 ÷ 26 = 77.78%

The changes the Productivity percentage favourably; to reflect the fact that when at work the work being completed was largely productive.

Productivity on Standard Hours example

The required units for this employee are 40, but additional time was logged for the week bringing total units to 42. Productivity on all time in this case shows as slightly less, than the productivity on standard hours.

Productivity Std Hours = Chargeable Units ÷ Total Required Units

Productivity Std Hours =

22 ÷ 40 = 55.00%

Abtrac KB# 2002

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