Glossary: Job / Project Details

This page briefly explains all the fields available on the Job / Project Details Page

N.B. The name Job / Project is a variable that you can set yourself in the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings area. From this point forward, we will refer to them as Projects

There are a few different classifications for Projects, so here are the different definitions you will see below.

Current Projects

To ensure your reports in Abtrac stay accurate, you need to be consistent with the Billable / Non-Billable setting for Projects in Abtrac. As mentioned previously, you should never mark a project not billable that was previously billable. You should make the project non-current instead. The different project classifications and how they are reported is below.

Non-Billable Projects

These are typically in-house administration projects, or ‘projects’ such as annual leave etc. Occasionally you may also do pro-bono or competition work to promote yourself, or for another reason. These projects will also be non-billable. Any other speculative work like project proposals should be recorded and reported as billable projects. (We’ll explain why below).

To review Non-Billable projects in your office, the report “Clients and Projects Non-Billable” gives a list of all current, non-billable projects.

Billable Projects

These are easy to determine, projects that you will eventually be invoicing your clients for are billable!

Projects that are proposals

These are also potential billable projects. You still want to recover money for them but you’re just not sure if you can yet.

Some people will opt to enter the proposal project into Abtrac and it will start as ‘unbillable’. That way the time and costs associated with it do not show in invoice preparation reports. Once a proposal becomes billable, you can tick the billable box and it will turn into a billable project.

Others start the project immediately as a billable project and when it is confirmed e.g. with the return of the agreement, they either leave the WIP to date and try to recover it, or they write it off so the project starts ‘clean’ from the confirmation date. In this case we recommend using Project Status to determine between projects that are still at the proposal stage, and those that have been accepted and can be invoiced.

Only a certain percentage of all proposals will go ahead. But it’s important to analyse your proposals in the same way you analyse your other billable projects. Abtrac users who keep a close eye on proposal projects can often reduce the time spent tendering, and increase the percentage of proposals that are approved.

Non-Current Projects

When a project is finished, you will archive the files. In Abtrac mark it as Non-Current. Likewise if a proposal is not accepted, mark it as Non- Current.

When projects are made Non-Current, they are filtered out of reports and drop down lists. No further project costs can be added to them.

But a Non-Current, Billable Project will still appear in current ‘WIP to be Invoiced’ reports if there is any unbilled WIP against the project. To remove this WIP, it should either be assigned to an existing invoice for the project, or a new write off invoice should be raised. This also applies to proposals that were initially entered as billable.

DO NOT make a billable project not billable just to remove it from reports. If you take the tick out of the billable box Abtrac will treat this project as NEVER having been billable and historical reports will be distorted.


The ‘Notifications’ button takes you to the ‘Send Notification’ page from where you can send notifications regarding the project to your employees.


The ‘Reports’ button takes you to the ‘Reports’ page from where you can view and print various performance reports for the project.

Synchronise with Accounting Package

The ‘Synchronise with Accounting Package’ button takes you to the ‘Match this Project with your Accounting System’ pop up box, from where you can synchronise the project with a selected accounting package.

Clone Project

The ‘Clone Project’ button takes you to the ‘Clone Project’ pop up box where you can select the options to clone into a new project.

Add New Project

The ‘Add New Project’ button lets you create a new project or proposal.


The ‘Delete’ button lets you delete the project if there are no related records. If there are related records, the ‘Project Details Related Data’ pop up box appears which gives a list of related records and prompts you to delete them before deleting the project.

Clear Sync Status

The ‘Clear Sync Status’ button automatically deletes the sync status of the project if the project is already synchronised with an accounting package.

Save Project Details

The ‘Save Project Details’ button saves the entries in the project details page.

Project Code (Job Code)

Project codes are alphabetical or numeric, or a mixture of both. Even though Abtrac automatically generates the Project Code, it can be over-written at any time. The only thing that will prevent you entering a project code is if the same code has been used for another project.

To set the incremental numbers for project codes you can manage this through the Administration >> Settings >> Invoice and other office settings pages. You can set your project Code preferences through the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings page.

Proposal Number (System Generated))

Proposal codes are alphabetical or numeric, or a mixture of both. These are also potential billable projects. You still want to recover money for them but you’re just not sure if you can yet.

To set the incremental numbers for proposal codes you can manage this through the Administration >> Settings >> Invoice and other office settings pages.

You can set your proposal Code preferences through the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings page.

Confirmed Date

When was the project/proposal confirmed.


Indicates if this is an item of interest i.e. still in progress. If not, make it non-current to reduce the numbers of items in lists for quicker timesheets, reporting, and any other areas that require a list of projects.


Are you going to invoice anyone for this work.

At Work

Every project in Abtrac has a tick saying “At Work” meaning when people entering time for that project they are ‘at work’ and engaged in a task.

This At Work option is checked by default when a new project is created, regardless of whether it is billable, non-billable, or a proposal.

Projects that are NOT At Work

Some projects aren’t projects at all but people still put their time to them.

These might be used to track annual leave, public holidays, professional development etc.

Read more about using At work (as an accurate measure of productive time) here


Indicates if this project has been synchronised with your accounting package during an invoice upload process or by clicking the synchronise button.

Open Project

Within Abtrac there’s an option to restrict employees to projects they are specifically assigned to. This is used where you want some people entering their timesheets to only see selected projects e.g. you want a subcontractor or part-timer to enter their own timesheets but you only want them to see the project they’re supposed to be working on. 

It is managed by a combination of the user group the person is in, coupled with entering their name in the Project People list for a particular project, then finally making sure there is no tick in the Open Projects tick box. If there is a tick in the Open Projects tick box, then anyone can enter time to the project.

But whether the Open Project has a tick in it or not, it will only affect people where “Limit To Employee’s Projects” is ticked in user group management, otherwise the Open Project setting will have no effect.

Sign Off Required

This indicates if there is a requirement for this Project timesheets to be signed off by an administrator or third party person.

Project Description

This is how you would talk about the project/proposal in the office. You normally don’t use numbers to talk about the projects in person. An example description would be an abbreviated address or some descriptive text.

Project Owner

Who is the person primarily responsible for this project.

Project owner is a name that your organisation can change in the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings area. Sometimes it will be manager, director, or something similar.

If you cannot see someone in the list or want to remove someone, the owners are managed through the Administration >> Employees >> Owners section.

Projects Owner 2

Who is second in command for this project.

Project owner 2 is a secondary name that your organisation can change in the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings area. Sometimes it will be manager, director, or something similar.

If you cannot see someone in the list or want to remove someone, the owners are managed through the Administration >> Employees >> Owners section.

Project Status

The status of every project can be maintained as it progresses from inception to completion and beyond.

The list of status can be managed through the Administration >> Maintenance >> Project Status screen.

Project Type

The Project Types is where you can enter the types of projects the business wants to classify its work by.

The list of types can be managed through the Administration >> Maintenance >> Project Types screen.


Are there any additional comments you want to make about this project.

Project Address

This section allows you to say exactly where the project is and you can show it on google maps if you have this enabled.

Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Region, Post Code, Country, Latitude, Longitude

Address details similar to what you will see in mapping programs such as navigation software or Google Maps.

Other Details

Comments about the address.

View In Google Maps

Opens the address in google maps if the format is correct.

Interactive Google Maps

Shows you the address and allows you to see other projects within a certain radius of this selected project. You can also update the latitude and longitude from this screen.

Append Address

Appends the address 1 and 2 to the project description field.


Scope of the project.

Creation Date

This is the date that you first found out about the project/proposal. This doesn’t mean it’s the date that you start any work.

Expected Start

When do you expect to start the work.

Expected Completion

When do you expect to finish the work.

Actual Completion

When did you actually complete the work.

Stage Required

Are stages/tasks required in timesheets.

The default tick for this is coming from the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings section, but you can overwrite this on a project by project basis.

Activity Required

Are activities required in timesheets.

The default tick for this is coming from the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings section but you can overwrite this on a project by project basis.

Work Item Required

Are work items required in timesheets.

The default tick for this is coming from the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings section but you can overwrite this on a project by project basis.

Comment Required

Are comments required in timesheets.

The default tick for this is coming from the Administration >> Settings >> System Settings section but you can overwrite this on a project by project basis.


What office does this project belong too.


What team is responsible for this project.


What department is responsible for this project.

Win/Loss Reason

Project Win/Loss reason.

Work Source

What source did you get this work from.

Work sources can be managed from the Administration >> Maintenance >> Work Source screen.

Work Source Details

What further details about the work source are there.

Work source details can be managed from the Administration >> Maintenance >> Work Source screen.

Referred From

Who referred you this project.

Your referees can be managed through the Administration >> Maintenance >> Referred from Screen.

Next Milestone Date

When is the next milestone for this project.

Next Milestone

What’s happening on this date.

All milestones can be found in the Clients, Contacts, Projects menu option under Project Milestones.

File Path

Default file path can be set up using the Browse button, so that users can find the folders and soft copy files with details and related information regarding the project.

To use this feature, you need to install a Google Chrome Extension. Learn how to do this here.

Follow Up Date

Date by which to follow up on the proposal status.

Follow Up Person

The employee who does the follow up.

Follow Up Notes

Notes regarding the follow up.

Abtrac KB# 2176

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