Write Off Reporting

As well as looking at how much was billed each month end we recommend you look at your write off percentages. Use one of the WIP reports from Performance Reports > Management Analysis:

  • WIP Write-offs and Write-ons by Invoice
  • WIP Write-offs and Write-ons by Project, or
  • Write-offs and Write-ons by Project and Invoice are all good places to start.

The WIP Write Ons and Write Offs reports show data between two dates, and the write on/off percentage. They’re a nice quick check to see ‘how you are doing’. Taken by permissions from a sample of our Abtrac clients we found that 2 out of 3 Abtrac firms only write-off between 7%-12%. On either tail of the distribution some of you often write-on and admittedly some will write-off more than 12%.

Abtrac KB# 2032

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