As well as looking at how much was billed each month end we recommend you look at your write off percentages. Use one of the WIP reports from Performance Reports > Management Analysis:
- WIP Write-offs and Write-ons by Invoice
- WIP Write-offs and Write-ons by Project, or
- Write-offs and Write-ons by Project and Invoice are all good places to start.
The WIP Write Ons and Write Offs reports show data between two dates, and the write on/off percentage. They’re a nice quick check to see ‘how you are doing’. Taken by permissions from a sample of our Abtrac clients we found that 2 out of 3 Abtrac firms only write-off between 7%-12%. On either tail of the distribution some of you often write-on and admittedly some will write-off more than 12%.
Abtrac KB# 2032