Most of the high use screens in Abtrac are data entry tables (data grids).
The support team are often asked simple questions about searching, filtering and getting things just right – particularly when you are starting out using AbtracOnLine.
- The way the grids and columns in each screen are displayed can be customised for all users by an administrator
- All grids can be filtered and sorted as a one-off at any time
- Some grids (like timesheets) can also be customised at a user level
- Each Abtrac user can also choose how many rows they see – for all the grids accessed under their login
- Using Grid Layout anyone can save their own specific layouts (including filtering and grouping) on certain screens
In this article, we’ve included some tricks to filtering and sorting, and a few handy ‘everyday use’ tips for using Abtrac Grids…
How to customise your Abtrac grid layouts for all users
An administrator can define the visibility, position and width of all available fields from Administration >> Settings >> User Control Settings.

How do I set the number of rows that are displayed for all tables?
From the home screen >> click on the profile symbol >> click on ‘Edit My Settings’ option.

Here you can specify the ‘page size’ – that is how many rows are displayed in all tables in Abtrac – just for your login (choose between 10 – 50 rows).

I always sort and filter this grid, on this page, this way. Why can’t Abtrac remember how I like it to look?
We’re currently working on two options to remember settings for individual users. If it’s not included in User Specific Settings, then the page layout you want to save will likely have a Grid Layout option (pictured below).
Just filter, group, and sort the grid as required and once you are done, choose the ‘Apply’ Grid Layout option.

Your current grid changes will be remembered for your particular Abtrac login, for every time you return to that particular page. In order to remove the saved layout choose the undo (‘Reset’ Grid Layout) button.
Tips for filtering, grouping and sorting Abtrac data
Click on a header to sort by a particular column. A black arrow will then display to indicate the sort order.
Click again to reverse the order (eg. A to Z, or Z to A).

Moving columns
To rearrange the order of columns, click and hold a header and drag it across to your preferred location.

Grouping data
If your grid has a grouping option (like the Email Management screen) you can drag column headers to group data together. Once grouped you can then choose to expand or hide results for individual groupings.

Filtering results and searching
You can filter the results displayed by choosing a drop down option provided.

Or you can also specify a specific filter result by typing into the boxes provided.

Only show data for a certain date range
You can select a date and choose from the given criteria.

Or you can click on the date settings button to select the date range.
From the pop up box that appears, you can either select specific dates from the dropdown or tick the box for a preselected date range.

To clear the selection, you can click on the x or untick the ticked box.

Check and choose the search options
By clicking on the search icon you can further refine how the search or filter is run. ‘Contains’ is the most common search method but you can change these options for individual searches

Why can’t I find my data in this grid? I know it exists in Abtrac.
Some of the grids in Abtrac have default filters enabled.
These are usually screens that can query a large amount of data – check the header rows to view and amend the defaults.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, then check the current or committed records filters first.
Search Clients and Projects – you are initially restricted to Current Clients and Projects only.

Load Invoice – only displays current, uncommitted invoices until you amend the filtering.

Video: Tips for new Abtrac users
Abtrac KB# 2064