The Hours Worked by Employee Report gives a list of the total number of hours worked by employees between selected dates and the value of that time.
This report can be grouped by employee and can be used to find out the chargeable & nonchargeable hours worked by an employee. It also calculates the percentage of chargeable hours based on total hours, ‘At Work‘ hours and standard hours.

How to Generate Hours Worked by Employee Report
From Reports >> Performance Reports >> search for or select Hours Worked by Employee from the Timesheet Entries section >> select the required date range.
This report can be filtered by Employee office, Client, Employee and Charge/Cost Rate.
Tick the ‘Current’ box for ‘Client’ to select a specific client from the current clients’ list in the dropdown. Untick the box to choose from all clients, whether current or noncurrent.
Similarly, tick the ‘Current’ box for ‘Employee’ to select a specific employee from the current employees’ list in the dropdown. Untick the box to choose from all employees, whether current or non-current.

Once the dates and filters have been chosen, click on the Report Options button to view the ‘Choose Additional Report Options’ box.

Tick the required box/es here and click on the print button to preview the Hours Worked – by Employee Report.

Understanding the data
This report contains the following information-
- Employee Name
- Non Chargeable (jobs)
- Hours
- Value of Time
- Total Non-chargeable Hours
- Total Chargeable Hours
- Percentage of chargeable hours
- Required Hours, and
- Required Hours %
Employee Name
Employee name comes from Administration >> Employees >> Employee Details screen
Non Chargeable (jobs)
These are the non-billable jobs which the employee has spent time on.
Learn about Nonchargeable work here.
These are the hours spent by the employee between the selected dates on chargeable and nonchargeable jobs.
Value of Time
This is the value of time for the hours spent by the employee between the selected dates. This is calculated based on the rate (charge rate or cost rate) selected in the reports screen as below.
The Value of Time is calculated as:
Hours Spent x Charge Rate or Cost Rate
Total Non-chargeable Hours
These are the total hours spent by the employee on non-billable jobs in the selected date range.
Total Chargeable Hours
These are the total hours spent by the employee on billable jobs in the selected date range.
Percentage of chargeable hours
Percentage of chargeable hours are given as based on Total Hours, At Work Hours and Standard Hours) and are calculated as below.
The calculation for the Percentage of chargeable hours based on Total Hours is:
(Chargeable hours ÷ Total hours) x 100
The calculation for the Percentage of chargeable hours based on ‘At Work’ Hours is:
(Chargeable hours ÷ At Work hours) x 100
At Work hours is calculated as the number of hours worked on jobs with the ‘At work’ box ticked in the Job Details screen.
See more on At Work here.
The calculation for the Percentage of chargeable hours based on Standard Hours is:
(Chargeable hours ÷ Standard Hours) x 100
The calculation for the Standard Hours is:
(Required Hours) x (No. of Timesheet Periods) between the filtered dates
Required Hours
This is the ‘Units Per Timesheet’ entered for the employee in the Employee Details screen.
Required Hours %
This refers to the percentage of total hours spent based on required hours.
The calculation for the Required Hours percentage is:
(Total hours worked ÷ Required hours) x 100
Calculation of percentages example

The relevant information for the percentage calculations includes:
Total Chargeable Hours = 30
Total Hours = 41
At Work hours (based on jobs in the above report with ‘At Work’ ticked in Job Details) = 31
Required Hours = 40
Standard Hours = 40 x 1 = 40
Percentage of chargeable hours based on Total Hours:
(30 ÷ 41) x 100 = 73.17%
Percentage of chargeable hours based on ‘At Work’ Hours:
(30 ÷ 31) x 100 = 96.77%
Percentage of chargeable hours based on Standard Hours:
(30 ÷ 40) x 100=75%
Required Hours percentage:
(41 ÷ 40) x 100 = 102.5%
The other Hours Worked Reports in Abtrac are:
Hours Worked by Employee and Client Report
Hours Worked by Employee and Activity Code Report
Hours Worked By Employee, Contact and Job Report
Hours Worked by Date, Employee, Client and Job Report
Hours Worked by Employee, Client and Job by Month Report
Hours Worked by Employee, Client, Job, Task and Date Report
Hours Worked by Client and Job Report
Hours Worked by Employee, Client, Job and Task Report and
Hours Worked by Employee, Job Office Report
Abtrac KB# 2077