AbtracOnLine is only accessible with a current username and password. Your username must be a valid email address and we recommend choosing a secure password (there are tips for secure passwords in this article). Abtrac passwords must be at least 7 characters long, and contain a combination of upper/lower case letters and at least one number.
If you are having problems logging in, if you are starting AbtracOnLine live after a trial you may need to confirm or change your access details.
If you are starting AbtracOnLine live after a trial, your username will have been automatically generated using a combination of first+last names+company name.
These temporary usernames will need to be updated to current (valid) email addresses. Your username is used for the password reset feature and also as your sender address when emailing items from Abtrac. Checking that your username is a current email address ensures that these features work as expected.
Standard User
Resetting Login details: For a logged in user
From Home, click on the profile symbol >> choose Change Login Details.
At the ‘Change Login Details’ screen, you can edit your username(email address) or password, or both.
Once a change is made and saved, you’ll be automatically logged out of the system and will need to log back in with your new credentials.
If you are new to AbtracOnLine, then whilst updating your login details, you may also want to check your settings in User Specific Settings.
Here you can update the email Bcc address in Abtrac. This is not related to your login and can be a different email address to your username (e.g [email protected] etc – as such it will not automatically update) It is used to send copies of any invoices/reports emailed from Abtrac.
From ‘User Specific Settings’, you can also specify the ‘page size’ – that is how many rows are displayed in all tables in Abtrac – just for your login. Instructions are here.
Resetting Login details and defining access rights: For an administrator
From Home, choose Administration >> Employees >> Login Management
An administrator can then view a list of all current employees and logins (usernames) and is able to edit records as required.
Employee Logins are only available for current employees. Once an employee is non-current, you cannot create or amend a login for them, and they are unable to log in to Abtrac.
From ‘Edit Employee Login’, an administrator can also specify which user groups employees belong to. (‘User Group Management’ allows menu options in Abtrac to be restricted or enabled at login, these are based on pre-selected User Groups and Access Privileges.)
N.B. Although the password field is blank in the ‘Edit Employee Login’ screen, the employee’s current password will apply. Entering a new password here will overwrite any pre-existing password set by the user.
We recommend choosing a secure password (there are tips for secure passwords in this article). Abtrac passwords must be at least 7 characters long, and contain a combination of upper/lower case letters and at least one number.
Forgotten Password
Reset Password
Provided your Username is a valid email address, you can reset your password directly from the Login screen by clicking on ‘Forgotten your password?’.
Abtrac passwords must be at least 7 characters long, and contain a combination of upper/lower case letters and at least one number.
You’ll be sent an email with a temporary password to login and will then need to update your password from Home Screen >> Change Login Details as usual.
Abtrac KB# 2050