Here we will show you how to create an Abtrac shortcut on both your Windows and Apple Devices in multiple browsers. Click the links below to go to your preferred browser.
We will cover Google Chrome, FireFox and Safari. While you can use Abtrac on other web browsers these are the preferred options which have the best performance and reliability.
Chrome Shortcut for Windows and Mac
Resize the Chrome window so you can see both your computer’s desktop and the Chrome window on the same screen. Click the icon on the left of the address bar (where the URL is shown). While still holding the mouse button down, move the pointer to the desktop, then release the mouse button. The shortcut will be created.
Another way to create a shortcut on your desktop is to click the 3 buttons on the top right of your browser, go to “More Tools” then Create Shortcut. Both Mac and Windows are located in a similar position.

Chrome Bookmark for Windows and Mac
The easiest way to create a bookmark is to simply hit “Ctrl D” for Windows and for a Mac hit “Option D”. The other way is to click the 3 buttons on the top right of your browser, go to “Bookmarks”, then “Bookmark this page”.

FireFox Shortcut for Windows and Mac
Resize the Firefox window so you can see both your computer’s desktop and the Firefox window on the same screen. Click the icon on the left of the address bar (where the URL is shown). While still holding the mouse button down, move the pointer to the desktop, then release the mouse button. The shortcut will be created.

FireFox Bookmark for Windows and Mac
The easiest way to create a bookmark is to simply hit “Ctrl D” for Windows and for a Mac hit “Option D”. The other way is to click the 3 lines on the top right of your browser, go to “Library”, then “Bookmarks” then “Bookmark this page”.

Safari shortcut for Mac
Resize the Safari window so you can see both your Mac desktop and the Safari window on the same screen. Click the icon on the left of the address bar (where the URL is shown). While still holding the mouse button down, move the pointer to the desktop, then release the mouse button. The shortcut will be created.

Safari Bookmark for Mac

The easiest way to create a bookmark is to right-click the icon beside the URL of the page then select “Bookmarks”.
Trouble logging into Abtrac from a shortcut
If you start getting an error message each time you login to Abtrac your shortcut may have linked incorrectly.
If that’s the case this message appears to stop people logging in and accessing Abtrac when they aren’t properly authenticated.
To fix this first logout properly using the following URL
Then follow the steps above to set a valid shortcut.
Abtrac KB# 2101