Abtrac Notifications

In Abtrac, users can receive notifications regarding a job or any system changes.

When there is a new notification, you will see a red alert next to your login name, which will remain until the message has been read (or the message has expired).

The notifications may be Abtrac System Notifications or your Organization’s User Notifications.

This is also where you will be alerted to any unsent mail or email issues when sending invoices via email from Abtrac.

system notifications

Abtrac System Notifications

From time to time, we send important information regarding Abtrac to all users via internal system notifications.

Organization User Notifications

These are notifications regarding specific jobs sent to the Abtrac users in your organization from the ‘Notifications’ button in Job Details page.

Click on the ‘Notifications’ button in Job Details page of the relevant job to go to ‘Send Notification’ page.

Select the relevant staff and choose to send either a notification message or both email and notification messages.

To read and remove notifications from Abtrac

Hover over the notification icon at the top of any page and click on ‘Notifications’ in the list.

Any unread notifications will be listed, each with links to details or actions required. Click on the notification description to read details to remove the notification from the list. You can also click on the ‘clear’ button to remove the notification.

The notifications can also be viewed from the Abtrac Message Board that appears in the Home page above the widgets.

In the case of a new version notification, or a technical/performance related status report – the notification will just need to be read.

If the notification relates to email deliveries you will be redirected to the email notifications page and you’ll need to acknowledge the message by clicking the green tick button on the left.

Abtrac KB# 2084

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